Category: Uncategorized


Heya gorgeous listeners.

It’s been a wild ride, but after a few years inattention, an expired bank card and no notice from my hosting service to update them… the Liberation Industries podcast servers have gone down.

We’re discussing the best ways to move forward, and the winter may yet see a revival of activity under some form but we’ll have to keep you posted on that. If you find yourself needing an old episode for whatever reason just reach out in the comments, on Twitter or by email at

The places we’ve gone, and the people we’ve met through this project have been amazing. See y’all I’m the future, whatever form it takes.

Best, Paddy

Attractive Youtube Content!

Heya folks!

Its been maybe a year worth of trying, hard slog and strangely cursed content that was just desperate to never be released into the world, but we have our Youtube channel up and running with both some epic Ruralpunk content and our human faces! Look at those expressive mugs!

Additionally, it features some behind the scenes footage of Paddy making cocktails, just in case you were wondering how the Liberation Industries crew got the way they are.

More content lands tomorrow, so get excited!


Skyfarer Ep 3: Ramming Speed Pt 3

The grand, grim, wildly ambiguous conclusion to our Skyfarer game, as the crew of the Aeschylus’ Turtle approach Old Tom’s Well at the end, and the beginning, of their journey.

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Skyfarer is a game by Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor, allowing you to have your own adventures in the Sunless Skies. Get out there you wild explorers!

Pic is Betelgeuse Alfa Orionis) nebula by Giuseppe Donatiello on Flickr, Public Domain.


Heya folks!

For those of you who don’t know, Melbourne International Games Week is running this Sunday, and in addition to a robust catalogue of board games that you can play from the comfort of your own living room (that’s right! It’s online this year! Thanks, the Plague!) they have also recruited the team from Arcanacon to get some epic tabletop rpgs running.

So come check out some awesome Australian made indie games, including Storybrewers’ Villagesong, an early version of our pal Logan’s Preparing for Paris, or the much awaited Goblins of Zarth!

Not only that, but Paddy and Lee will be appearing on a panel about being the best rpgamer you can be, and you wouldn’t wanna miss that now would you?

Details and Sign Up here!

Flying Circus Ep 3: Birds of Ill Omen

After a bender culminating in some ill advised purchases, squadmates Francesca, Zelig and Geneve find themselves once again on the wrong end of debt collector’s attention. Despite not really understanding how the homeless mystic will pay them, they decide to take Drifty’s offer to clear the skies over the mountain pass… and run into the horrors of both Maralto’s magic, and its past.

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Flying Circus is a roleplaying game currently being developed by Erika Chappell, who has created a great many quirky and fun indie-games to date under the umbrella of Newstand Press. Check ’em out!


Pic is MM00005148x by Florida Keys Public Library on Flickr, CC A.

Werewolf the Forsaken Ep 12: Matchmakers Pt 2

Teenage Crescent Head werewolves Alex, Ava and Sleeves get a crash course in battling their ancestral enemies, the Beshilu Rat Hosts, which leaves them woefully ill equipped to deal with the nefarious plans of Ava’s mother, and the strange madness their new forms seem to spread…

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Werewolf the Forsaken 2nd Edition is a product of Onyx Path Publishing, under license from White Wolf Games.


Pic is human-not-kind by Dimiti dF on Flickr, CC A/N$/ND

Devil John Ep 3: Devil in the Details Pt 3

With Redriver Church’s secrets slowly coming to light, all hell breaks loose as battles are fought and monsters demand payment. The Immortal Bastard’s warlock is revealed, and those who live and those who die are decided by Lady Luck and the devil’s chosen kin…

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Our Rogues Gallery, for those who were not present while we did Scut Work for the Demiurge, is as follows:

Padre Callehandro, an ill-starred and haunted priest, vessel to Thoth’Char the Patient.

“Daddy” Harry, a disgraced former sheriff granted infernal resilience by Sally the Juggernaut.

Dee, a laconic and stealthy bounty hunter and keeper of the Twins, a pair of clear eyed monsters.

“Sister” Mary, a vengeful former nun ensnared by the promises of Marius the Inescapable.

Lottie, a well bred young lady lost to madness, companion of the charming Mister Alistair.

Wilbur, a young farmer regretting his decision to barter the love of any he desires for a piece of his heart, currently housing the irresistable Anton the Vain.

The pursuit of the Devil John awaits. Will the posse find what they’re looking for? Or will their blood moisten the crimson soil of Redriver Church?

The Devil John Moulton is a game created by Nick Wedig, released under a creative commons license. You can find an alpha copy on Drivethru RPG, and it receives Liberation Industries’ enthusiastic endorsement.

Gunslinger by Kenneth Lu A

Pic in Gunslinger by Kenneth Lu on Flickr. CC A.

Apocalypse World Ep 10: Multitudes of the Frozen City

Our gang of community minded murderers each take a little time for projects of their own.

Lemma the Savvyhead and Barbariana the Gunlugger gather supplies to build their war machine, while the Doctor engages in some disastrous reconnaissance against the Undying. October the Skinner’s followers are faced with death, and Dent the Faceless’ are faced with taxes; so gravity draws us slowly but inescapably to the Lake, and to Mother Superior…

Apocalypse World, by Vincent Baker and Lumpley Games, is ace. Do it.

AW 10 Multitudes of the Frozen City

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Pic  is Snow Exchange by Corey Templeton, CC A/N$/ND

Theme music is Analog Boys, by T Gamel via Cause y’all deserve a shout out.

Minor Delay

Heya folk,

Minor delay on today’s episode of Apocalypse World; should have it to you in the next couple of days, but with a deranged work schedule and the terrible burden of podcasting here all on my own… well, skite happens.


To reward your loyalty (and we had a bumper week lately with 12 downloads! Live the dream!) I will post some musing with the new episode, so you can get our raw insights into Apocalypse World and the Frozen City itself.


Yours, as ever,


Apocalypse World Episode 4: Marmots of the Frozen City

Its a bit of a faux pas to devour the entire winter eggplant stock of the last competent medical practitioner known to humanity. With that fresh in their minds, Dent the Faceless, Pedro the Marmot and October the Skinner make tracks for the casino, in the hopes of getting to the legendary stash of food at its heart, and to the bottom of Pedro’s strange dreams.

Apocalypse World Ep 4: Marmots of the Frozen City


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Pic is Snow Exchange, by Corey Templeton on Flickr. CC A/N$/ND


Sorry for the delay folks, the terrible creatures responsible have been appropriately dealt with.